Photos & Videos


Galleries on fire, LED, modelling & co

Select one of the following categories to get to the photos and videos:

Feuer in den Händen halten mit Christiane Meyer

In love with flames

Impressions from various shows and shootings.

LED Walking Act und Show mit HulaHoop

Shows & Walking Acts

Lightpaintings and impressive LED costumes

Yoga Pose Standing Pidgeon von Christiane Meyer Foto von Bert Kubik

Model Miigaa

Christiane Meyer as model for dance and portrait

coming soon:




The robot of the short film project


Hula Hoop Workshop und Show mit Miigaa


Hoops, Yoga, kids dance & more


Yoga Pose Standing Pidgeon von Christiane Meyer Foto von Bert Kubik

Colorful & Creative

Pictures of past bodypaint projects

More pictures and videos can be found on the social media channels: