Professional shows and lessons

Christiane Meyer (Miigaa)


Here you can find:

Hochzeitsfeuershow von Miigaa


Impressive Fireshows and LED shows

Walking Act mit LED

Walking Acts

Discover our beautiful figures for Interaction

pinke Hula Hoops aus Handarbeit

Hula Hoops

Handmade Hoops and lessons for adults and kids

Yogaunterricht von Christiane Meyer


Circus, Dance and Yoga for kids and adults


Online courses, private lessons & clothing for dancers and flowartists

Get a free quote and discover the large program. The artist Christiane Meyer (Miigaa) from Baden Württemberg teaches and performs in Germany and Italy.

Book a romantic wedding show with fire heart, a fun hula hoop course for the city festival or a dance model for your photo course. Christiane Meyer is passionate about creating social and artistic projects all over the world.


My mission is to spark enthusiasm and create precious memories!

Also discover:

Hochzeitsfeuershow von Miigaa

A robot dances


An artistic short movie by Christiane Meyer

Walking Act mit LED

Model Christiane

Great photos of the dancer in the portfolio

(coming soon)


CyberCircus Festival

Cybercircus Festival

A Flowarts online course by international teachers

Get in touch

If you would like to contact us, please fill out the following contact form:


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Wedding Show

Fire Trio


Fireshow effect: Sparkle rain

Its a new day!

Hula Hoop

Der Hula Hoop Reifen feiert seit Comeback! Lerne Technik, Flow und Choreohraphien mit Christiane Meyer. Von Anfänger bis Fortgeschrittenen und jung bis alt – Jeder ist wilkommen!

Group Performance

With “Tanguda”

Fire Sword & Ballett

Feuer, LED & Flowarts

MARBACH HANDELT – Christiane Meyer ‘Miigaa’, die mit dem Feuer tanzt

Fire Hula Hoop

Rainbow Serpent Festival 2019, Australia

Full fire act

Miigaa Firedance

cristiane meyer

My candle burns at both ends;

it will not last the night;

but ah, my foes, and oh, my friends –

it gives a lovely light!

 Edna St. Vincent Millay