Dance for flowartists


A holistic approach to moving with objects: MoveWithMiigaa (Christiane Meyer) integrates theory, basics, advanced movements, combinations and lots of creative ideas into this online course.


A holistic approach to moving with objects: MoveWithMiigaa (Christiane Meyer) integrates theory, basics, advanced movements, combinations, and lots of creative ideas into this online course.

It is designed to elevate your dance onto the next level. With lots of different examples on how to add flowprops to the different moves, and creative games to experiment with, everyone will find some inspiration to work with.

No pre-knowledge required: Both beginners and advanced artists can benefit from the high variety of the course content.

See the first two videos of this course (Intro & Content) to get better insights into the course content and whom this is for.


Hoop Dance Miigaa, Photo by Nylia

Hoop Dance Miigaa, Photo by Nylia


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